More About Amendment 5  Section Image

More About Amendment 5

Amendment 5 will allow for a new gambling boat license on the Osage River at the Lake of the Ozarks. All state tax revenues – estimated at $14 million annually – are constitutionally required to go directly to early-childhood literacy programs in public schools.

Literacy Icon

$14 Million Annually Constitutionally Required to Fund Missouri Early-Childhood Literacy Programs – A 53% Increase From Current Funding Levels

Jobs Icon

700 New Good-Paying, Union Jobs with Year-Round Salaries and Benefits

Economic Icon

Economic Growth for the Lake of the Ozarks Region Powered By New Tourism and Investment

Infrastructure Icon

Improved Roads, Utilities, and Public Safety Funded by Millions Annually in Local Tax Revenue

Stronger Schools, Brighter Futures  Section Image

Stronger Schools, Brighter Futures

Imagine classrooms where every child has the tools to read by third grade. Right now, Missouri ranks 37th in early-childhood literacy — our kids are falling behind. Amendment 5 will change that, injecting 53% more funding into these crucial programs, ensuring that every Missouri child has the chance to thrive.

A Critical Investment in Missouri’s Future  Section Image

A Critical Investment in Missouri’s Future

Missouri used to be a leader in early-childhood literacy, ranking 14th in the nation in 2003. But we’ve slipped, falling behind six of our eight neighboring states.

Amendment 5 creates Missouri’s first constitutionally-required, dedicated, annual funding stream for early-childhood literacy programs, setting children up for success in school and life.

Supported by Teachers  Section Image

Supported By Missouri’s Teachers

YES on 5 is supported by teachers across Missouri and endorsed by the St. Louis Chapter of the American Federation of Teachers because they know - unlike in the past when education funding was promised but not delivered - Amendment 5 constitutionally requires new tax revenue to go directly to early-childhood literacy programs.

YES on Amendment 5 - Jobs & Economic Growth for the Lake of the Ozarks Image

Jobs & Economic Growth for the Lake of the Ozarks

The Osage River Gaming and Convention project would bring year-round tourist attractions to the Lake of the Ozarks. With increased tourism, good-paying jobs, and significant investment in the area, the Lake area would see economic growth and local tax revenues that will help improve roads and increase funding for public safety.

  • 700-800 permanent, good-paying, year-round union jobs
  • 500+ union construction jobs
  • Millions annually in local tax revenues
  • Total investment of $400 million
Mayor Dennis Newberry, Lake Ozark

I urge all Missourians to vote YES on 5. Amendment 5 will mean hundreds of new, good-paying, long-term jobs for the Lake of the Ozarks. Our community will see economic growth from year-round tourism, and the local tax revenue generated by that growth will provide additional funding for needed improvements to our city’s infrastructure – meaning better roads, bridges, and utilities. This is a big win for the Lake of the Ozarks in addition to all the good that YES on Amendment 5 will do for Missouri’s children.”

Mayor Dennis Newberry, City of Lake Ozark